Thursday, June 18, 2009

New Album Influences: BLADE RUNNER

Because I have no shame in wearing my heart on my sleeve...

Movie soundtracks seem to have been my primary influence as of late; Empire of the Sun was my tribute to Ennio Morricone and spaghetti westerns...Earth in the Balance, while not so much musically, was influenced by Conan the Barbarian. (Oddly enough, that album morphed into a story about the 44th Inaugaration...which was made even more odd by that man's professed love of Conan, even if I view him more like Thulsa Doom.)

Earth and Exile, fittingly enough then, is inspired by both the story and soundtrack of Blade Runner. The idea of exile of humanity while the replicants embrace theirs is mirrored in the electronic Vangelis score perfectly, and that provided the seed for this album, which grew to embrace the music of Jean Michel Jarre, the Afro-Celt sound of Mike Oldfield's Ommadawn, and the sound excursions of David Bowie/Brian Eno collaborations.