Friday, April 17, 2009

Revolution on Terra Fractal, or, Earth in the Balance

 Here's a video for the Tea Parties on Terra Fractal: "Earth in the Balance," the very first rock song of the revolution. Lyrics are provided below. All rights reserved; that said, feel free to use them for your revolutionary purposes.

Lyrics are as follows:

"A meteoric rise to fame/ 
what's ours to lose was yours to gain/ 
as you pulled on the reins/ 
so you could remain/ 
the king that you think you are/ 
yeah, you're a supertzar/ 
you held us so far, you held our mind in chains/ 
made us wonder who is crazy and who is sane/ 
our sanction of guilt was the key to our shame/ 
and our self-sacrifice was the claim to your fame/ 
but I know who you are and I know you're to blame/ 
'cause I know the score...and I know you're name..."

Meanwhile, Back on Earth...

But Barely. I've been in orbit around this planet. Wanna know why? Check out my new ep, Earth in the Balance,  featuring the single that explains it all,  "Earth in the Balance."

Track listing:
Crashing in the Land of the Free
A Show of Hands (Euphoria of the Masses)
The 44th Inaugural Address
Martial Law
The New Space Rock Revival
Earth in the Balace

All songs available at